Central Avenue Dotteversity Parade

September 7th, 2024
Welcome to the Central Avenue Dotteversity Parade!
Wyandotte County’s Central Avenue Parade is the single most important event/venue on East Wyandotte County or Downtown Kansas City, Kansas. Annually produced by Central Avenue Betterment Association since 1976, the parade has historically drawn circa of 5,000 visitors to the Central Avenue Commercial Corridor every year, benefiting many businesses and reshaping the metro wide perception of the City. This year the parade is reaching its 43rd anniversary and we are looking forward to having your visit and participation for an outstanding parade production.
“The best, most organized parade I have seen in a long time” -Pastor Rick Behrens- September 2015
Almost 55 floats, 6 High School Marching Bands, several local schools, horse clubs, vintage cars, businesses and private family’ floats on top of nearly 10,000 people following the day’s events on Central Avenue and Bethany Park to continue the celebration!
Total Success that shows our Kansas City, Kansas Pride!!!
It has been a pleasure for CABA to be able to produce such a fantastic event however, along the 43 years of production, we did not do it alone. We simply offered the structure for everyone to participate. The community has driven the parade standing proud every year since 1976! And this year is not the exception.
This year, CABA is partnering with Mission Adelante and Adelante Thrift to produce the Dream KCK 5K race before the Dotteversity parade. CABA is also partnering with the Latino Arts Foundation to produce the Latino Arts Festival at Bethany Park after the parade. The combination of all these activities into one major event will brake all records of participation and assistance.
We are talking true Wyandotte County Pride marching on Central Avenue. 2 hours of good sportsmanship, 2 hours of parading and 5 hours of Music, Art, Custom Cars, History and Food Festival afterward on one of the most iconic parks in our community; Bethany Park!
Thank you, Kansas City Kansas Community! You have made us proud for 44 years!
Save the Date, September 7th 2024.
Our them is “Wyandotte Ethnic Diversity” and we are asking everyone to bring your most authentic mother land dresses. We want it to be a collage of all cultures that make Wyandotte County so unique.
For more information, visit, call or email at: 1303 Central Avenue, Kansas City, KS 66102. / 913.281.9222 / 1621central@gmail.com
The Central Avenue Parade is our way to reach our Community and Celebrate Together!
The Parade’s Commercial Opportunity
• Direct marketing to a diverse community
• Ideal venue for local public relations
• Promotion of community growth
• Fantastic way to promote new products and services